Find Out How We Provide Stress-Free Tooth Extractions
The reasons people would need a tooth extraction, a couple different reasons on that. One, the tooth is just non-restorable. It’s so decayed or it’s cracked below the gumline, that you can’t restore it. It just needs to come out. Options after the tooth is removed, again you’ve got, depending on where the tooth is, if it’s got teeth on either side of it, you can do a bridge. You can do a partial. Some patients have a front tooth that needs to come out. It’s a real aesthetic concern. So, what we’ll try to do is we’ll try to get a flipper made that has a tooth on it, so when we take that tooth out something goes right in right away. Another option would be an implant. There are situations where, when you take a tooth out, sometimes you can immediately put an implant in, which saves a surgery.
Another thing that we’ll do a lot of times is you take a tooth out, and you can’t get an implant immediately. We’ll do what’s called a socket preservation, perhaps. That’s where we put some bone in the socket. What happens is that maintains the volume of bone when that heals, so that when it is healed, there’s still enough bone there to put an implant in. Otherwise, the socket can collapse in, and then you don’t have that opportunity to do an implant easily.